Residentcart | Luxury Apartment | In House Shopping

Contact Us

Whether support or sales, we are here to assist.
Please allow 1-3 business days for a response. For quick answers refer to our FAQ section below.

Frequently asked questions

What is Residentcart?

Residentcart is a convenient shopping service designed to enable apartments to offer a range of products and items to their residents directly. It simplifies the process of selling and delivering items within the apartment community.

Does Residentcart provide the inventory for the properties?

No, however we do recommend your property find an online wholesaler if you do not have one already or use local wholesalers like BJ's, Costco, Sams Club etc.

When and how does my property receive payments?

Payments are sent out weekly every monday via ACH to all properties. Depending on your bank, it takes 1-3 business days to receive payments.

Is there a setup fee to setup my property store.

No, Residentcart does not charge a setup fee to start your community store.

What items are not allowed on Residentcart?

Properties are not able to offer cooked, raw or expired goods, alcohol, offensive or inappropiate materials. Please reach out to your sales rep for a list of prohibited items.

Can residents schedule delivery times?

Yes, there is an option where you can offer your residents the ability to schedule orders.

What if there's an issue with a delivered item?

Residents can contact their property to handle any delivery issue on that level. If this is an escalated issue, residents can contact Residentcart
support through the app.

How does Residentcart benefit our apartment community?

Residentcart enhances resident satisfaction by offering a convenient way to access essential items. It can also provide an additional revenue stream for the apartment through a percentage of the sales. Moreover, it promotes a sense of community by providing a shared shopping experience among residents.
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